Cyber security gap analysis
The first, most fundamental step to protecting our business against cybercrime and improving your security posture is gap analysis. Essentially a risk assessment, our gap analysis service for businesses is a thorough and structured assessment of your cyber risks. When it comes to protecting your most important assets, this which will lead to identifying cyber priorities for your business.
What is gap analysis in cyber security?
Our cyber experts harness the power of industry-leading security solutions to help you proactively identify the areas of your network and IT infrastructure which can be enhanced to deliver an improved cyber security posture for your business. The first step in gap analysis is establishing a baseline – a starting point or benchmark from which to measure change and success. A thorough and structured assessment of the gaps in your cyber security and associated risks will then enable you to prioritise areas of concern for your business. Once the gaps have been identified and you’ve determined your cyber security strategy, you’ll be in a position to deploy resources to effectively protect your IT landscape.
Features of cyber security gap analysis
Our cyber experts harness the power of industry-leading security solutions to help you proactively identify the areas of your network and IT infrastructure which can be enhanced to deliver an improved cyber security posture for your business.
IT security assessment
Vulnerability assessment
A vulnerability assessment is easiest and most cost-effective way of securing your network as it evaluates your security architecture and defence layers, exposing invisible threats before they take control. Keeping you one step ahead and protected. At all times.
Expert advice for identifying gaps
Step this way and the cyber specialists at Focus Group will deliver the insight your business needs to build a security strategy that’s futureproof, identifies any weak spots and provides expert advice for building the protection your business needs against cyber threats.
Benefits of a cyber security gap analysis